Informatica - Unspecified error - Writer execution failed - Row # [*] in bad file

Severity: ERROR
Node: node01
Thread: WRITER_1_*_1
Process ID: 7572
Message Code: WRT_8229
Message: Database errors occurred:
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0: Unspecified error

Database driver error...
Function Name : Execute Multiple
SQL Stmt : INSERT INTO dbo.table(columns)  VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)


Severity: ERROR
Node: node01
Thread: WRITER_1_*_1
Process ID: 7572
Message Code: WRT_8425
Message: ERROR: Writer execution failed.

Severity: ERROR
Node: node01
Thread: WRITER_1_*_1
Process ID: 7572
Message Code: WRT_8114
Row # [1] in bad file

Could be a data issue, follow the link below to see how to enable the debug in Informatica and to see what and why were records rejected.

Informatica - The metadata could not be determined because every code path results in an error

Severity: ERROR
Timestamp: time
Thread: WRITER_1_*_1
Process ID: 5348
Message Code: WRT_8229
Message: Database errors occurred: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0: Unspecified error

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0: The metadata could not be determined because every code path results in an error; see previous errors for some of these.
SQL State: 42000 Native Error: 11529
State: 1 Severity: 16
SQL Server Message: The metadata could not be determined because every code path results in an error; see previous errors for some of these.

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0: Invalid object name 'YourTargetTableName'.
SQL State: 42S02 Native Error: 208
State: 1 Severity: 16
SQL Server Message: Invalid object name 'YourTargetTableName.

Database driver error...
Function Name : Execute Multiple
SQL Stmt : INSERT INTO **** VALUES (****)

Informatica is not able to find the object/Table named 'YourTargetTableName'.
Ensure that you are using the correct table name, and also check your database/Schema name as well.
In my case, it was looking for a table in a different schema.

“Error: Folder [ID=xx] not found” when running the pmcmd StartWorkflow command

Problem Description

When pmcmd StartWorkflow command is run after importing and replacing workflows into existing repository folders, the following error appears:

“Error: Folder [ID=xx] not found”.


The error occurs because of repository agent connection caching. Upon running a workflow, the Integration Service caches the folder ID, workflow and other metadata information so that subsequent runs start fast as time taken for metadata fetch would be lesser. If the said workflow is replaced, it gets saved with a new workflow ID tied to folder ID. When the workflow is started using pmcmd, the saved metadata is reused as the workflow name is same but leading to a different workflow ID, thus leading to the error.

This error can also occur if the folder of the workflow was renamed and a new folder with the original name was created.


This is a known issue and a Change Request (CR 223242) has been submitted to be addressed in a future release.


To resolve this issue, use one of the following workarounds:

  • Specify the folder name to the pmcmd startworkflow command using –f switch. –f is not mandatory but helps in this case to avoid the error.

  • If the -f option is already used, check if the workflow name is unique and try without the -f option.

  • Restart the Integration service. Restarting the Integration Service releases the cached metadata.

  • Import the workflows into a new folder and start the workflow from that folder.

More Information

Alternatively, disabling repository agent caching option should serve as another possible workaround. Should you wish to adopt this workaround

Informatica - How to Create a file with Command Task

How to Create a file with Command Task

echo .>C:\FilePath\FileName.txt

Informatica - How to start a workflow with Command Task

How to start a workflow with Command Task

pmcmd  startworkflow  -s  ISserviceName   -d DomainName   -u userName   -p  password               -f KCMS    -wait   WorkflowNameToBeStarted

Using ENV variables.

pmcmd  startworkflow  -sv %INFA_IS%   -d %INFA_DOMAIN%   -uv INFA_USER   -pv  INFA_PWD    -f  WorkflowFolderLocation    -wait   WorkflowNameToBeStarted

From Documentation

Starts a workflow.
The StartWorkflow command uses the following syntax in the command line mode:

pmcmd StartWorkflow

<<-service|-sv> service [<-domain|-d> domain] [<-timeout|-t> timeout]>

<<-user|-u> username|<-uservar|-uv> userEnvVar>

<<-password|-p> password|<-passwordvar|-pv> passwordEnvVar>

[<<-usersecuritydomain|-usd> usersecuritydomain|<-usersecuritydomainvar|-usdv> userSecuritydomainEnvVar>]

[<-folder|-f> folder]

[<-startfrom> taskInstancePath] 


[<-paramfile> paramfile]

[<-localparamfile|-lpf> localparamfile]

[<-osprofile|-o> OSUser] 


[<-runinsname|-rin> runInsName] 

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Delete a file with Command Task...

del C:\FilePath\FileName.txt

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