Solved -execution of command did not complete successfully with exit code [255] - Informatica

A command task invokes a batch script which could be doing anything and has ECHO or REM statements. The workflow fails with the following error in workflow log:
LM_36623 : Command task instance [cmd_SFTP_command]: execution of command [Command1] did not complete successfully with exit code [99840]
LM_36623 : Command task instance [cmd_SFTP_command]: execution of command [Command1] did not complete successfully with exit code [255]

This occurs when the batch script containing the SFTP connection contains REM and ECHO statements which causes the command task to fail. This is a known issue and CR 203903 exists.
To run the task remove the REM and ECHO statements from the batch script and start the batch script from the command task.

refer the below link

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